
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Shelby's 5 week stats:

9lb 8oz (50th percentile)

22inches (50th percentile)

27inches (I think for head circumference)

Claire's 3 year stats:

30.6lbs (40th percentile)

37inches (50th percentile)

Claire and Shelby had their check-ups this morning. Thankfully, Bucky was able to go with us. Everyone is healthy and growing well. Shelby gained almost a full pound since last week! I thought she looked like she was getting some rolls on her :) She also had her Hep B shot which only made her cry for about 20 seconds. We were thankful for good reports and hope not to go back to the pediatrician until Shelby is 8 weeks for more shots.

*Notice the girls cute matching shirts that the Easter Bunny left for them!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Swing Set

Bucky and I have been thinking about getting a swing set for a while now. There are a lot of choices out there. And they are a big investment. But, we decided to go ahead and get one for Claire's birthday this year. We ordered this one from Wal-Mart. Bucky had a lot of help putting it together including my dad, his dad, and Trey Beckham. With a lot of patience and organization, it was complete in about a day and a half. I was impressed and Claire loves it! Hopefully the girls will enjoy it for the next few years!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

HE HAS RISEN! Happy Easter Sunday!

The Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny came to visit both girls this year. Claire got mostly princess and Tangled stuff. Shelby got a seahorse that plays music. Both girls got some monogrammed shirts, hooded towels, and a new princess bath mat. The Easter Bunny was good to everyone this year!

Easter Egg Hunt #3

Bucky and Shelby

Natalie, Claire, and Larson checking out their prizes

Claire and Smith getting ready to find eggs

Shelby and Connor

Natalie and Claire

Our last Easter Egg Hunt was with our good friends the Schoonovers and the Harkins. We went to Town Creek Park on Saturday for a fun time finding eggs and eating lunch. The girls had fun together since they haven't seen each other much lately. Connor and Shelby slept through the whole thing, except Shelby wanted out of her seat so we held her most of the time. We had a nice morning before it got too hot!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Egg Hunts #1 and #2

Claire's Easter Egg Hunt at school

Our playgroup's Easter Egg Hunt

Getting everyone lined up and ready to find some eggs!

Claire was picky about which eggs she put in her basked. We ended up with mostly pink ones, go figure!

Sweet Shelby woke up to see what was going on.

We had two Easter Egg Hunts scheduled for today. I was brave enough to try to take on both! We had a lot of fun and both girls were very well behaved. Claire liked hunting the eggs but mostly seeing the prizes inside. She ate a little too much candy since I wasn't able to monitor her as closely as usual. But, she didn't seem to mind! Shelby slept some but did wake up and enjoy some time outside. It is amazing what you can do with only 1 hand. We have another one to go to tomorrow so I will try to post pictures of it as well.

By the way, I got Shelby dressed in her sweet smocked bunny dress that Michelle let us borrow. Claire wanted to match so she had to wear a pink dress as well. She is so funny! She likes for everyone to wear pink dresses and pink hairbows. Did you notice I am in black? Wonder where little girls learn this stuff!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 Month Old

It is hard to believe that Shelby is 1 month old today. It really seems like she's always been here. She has completed our family beautifully. Here are some milestones from the past month:

~ she weighed 8lbs 9oz today

~she has really good head control

~she took a bottle for the first time like a champ

~she is really aware of her surroundings and who is holding her

~she is in size 1 diapers

~she has almost outgrown all of her newborn clothes

~people stop me all the time to comment on her hair

~she doesn't like the carseat unless she is already asleep when you put her in it

~she has played on the playmat a few times and seems to like it

~she likes to be held

~she gets fussy when she is sleepy, hungry, or has a tummy ache (duh)

~our first attempt sleeping in the crib didn't go well so she is still in bed with me (her rocking chair should be in next week so we will try again)

~she has seen Tangled every day of her life thanks to her big sister

~she is sweet little girl who loves Mama

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Our sweet Claire turned 3 years old today. It is hard to believe. She is such a vibrant, smart girl. She is delightful and charming. This picture really sums up her personality, silly! We love you Claire and our proud of the big girl you are becoming!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have mastered bathing both girls together all by myself. Seems like an easy task right? It definitely cuts down on the time and they seem to love it. Shelby hated baths before her umbilical cord fell off. Now, she gets so relaxed and sometimes dozes off. It has a lot to do with her fish towel that keeps her warm. It was a gift but you can find them at Target and are definitely worth trying! Nothing like two sweet, clean girls to put to bed!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Shelby, 2 weeks3 weeks Claire saying, "Mama, she's crying"

It is hard to believe it has been a month since we had our sweet baby girl. Things have been busy, but great around here. Claire has been the best big sister we could have asked for. She is so sweet to Shelby and says things like "I love her so much" and "she is just precious" on a daily basis. It has really helped our transition that Claire is not jealous. It just solidifies that we were blessed with our second daughter at the right time for our family.

Shelby is a sweet girl too. She is really strong and can hold her head up well. She is gaining weight great and seems to really be looking at her surroundings more. She loves to nap and sleep right next to me. I love to hear her sweet sounds and especially to hold her close. Overall, we have a great month. This is what we have been doing to fill our days:

~fighting a nasty diaper rash that won't seem to go away

~planning Claire's 3rd Birthday Party

~getting ready for Easter

~putting together Claire's swing set for her birthday (only Bucky, obviously)

~cleaning up the yard from several storms

~writing thank you notes and sending out birth announcements

~finishing both girls rooms (I will post pictures soon)

~trying to get on a schedule which Shelby has easily adapted to

~running errands

~enjoying delicious meals from our wonderful friends

~not trying to think about loosing the baby weight :)

~several doctors appointments for all members of the family. Don't worry, we are all healthy

~getting a lot of help from both grandmothers

~signing up for swim lessons this summer and ballet lessons this fall

~getting my closet and Shelby's closet cleaned out and organized

That's all I can think of now. I have to keep myself busy or I may go crazy. I am really enjoying my time off. I love being home with both girls and knowing I don't have anywhere to really be until June 18th when I return to work. I have a few more projects to finish, but mostly trying to enjoy my girls and count my blessings!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Shelby's Birth Story

This may be a very long post that takes me a while to write, but here goes. I want to write it all down before I forget anything. On Saturday, March 19th, we all stayed around the house and did yard work. I did more than I should have. I planted flowers, hosed off the porch, etc. I felt good and wanted to get some last minute things done before Shelby came. I even walked up and down the driveway several times. Sunday morning, I woke up a little sore from all of my chores. But, we went to 9:30 church and came home. I was sore and crampy, but wasn't sure if that meant anything. I tried to rest while Claire did. I just kind of felt like something was up. We ate dinner and that was the first contraction I remember. It didn't feel like what I remembered, so I didn't give it too much thought. We got Claire ready for bed and watched TV. By 10:00pm, I told Bucky I thought they were contractions. We laid in bed and talked and were able to sleep from 11pm-3am. By 3am, they were coming pretty randomly. I decided to get up and shower before I was in too much pain. Bucky and I got our bags ready. Then we started walking up and down the driveway from 4am-7:30am. Bucky was so sweet. He was right there with me the whole time. He held my hand, we talked, and he timed the contractions. It was a time I will never forget. I will think about it every single time I walk up that driveway. We were so excited and anxious to meet our baby. We called Mindy at about 5:30am so she could get ready and come over to take Claire to school. I called my partner at work, Chris, so let him know I wouldn't be coming in that morning. We called our parents and told them we weren't sure of anything yet, but to get up and get ready. Last, we called labor and delivery at the hospital around 6:30am. We told them my contractions were strong and about every 10 minutes. They totally blew me off and said this could go on for 2 more weeks. They said to take a shower/bath, eat something, and take Tylenol. I told them I had already done all these things and that I would just go to the office at 8am to get checked. We got Claire up. She was a little confused but got dressed and went to school without any fuss or tears. Thank goodness. It would have been hard to leave her upset. Bucky and I got the car loaded and were at Dr. Litsey's office at 8am. Once again, the receptionist blew us off. She said all the doctors were in a meeting and that we may have to wait a while. Meanwhile, my contractions were coming every 7 minutes. I just kept walking and breathing through them. Bucky got very impatient. Finally, my 2 regular nurses, Velma and Nancy, called me back. They did the normal routine. They offered me water and a room to lay down in. I just kept walking. We saw Dr. Litsey around 8:45am. I was 5cm dilated. I suggested we go home and wait for the contractions to get closer together. Dr. Litsey and Bucky both said 'no', you are going to the hospital. So, we went across the street and got checked in. They didn't even make me go to an observation room, straight to the delivery room. By the time I got settled and Bucky was able to come back with me, it was 9:20am. Dr. Alverson was on call. I had never seen him, but my good friend, Elyse, loves him. He was very kind and seemed to really care. I expressed to him and the nurses that we wanted a natural childbirth. I could tell that they were kind of doubting me, but I knew I could do it. My parents got to the hospital around 10am. We were able to talk a little bit, in between contractions. The worst part of labor to me was laying in the bed. I couldn't stand it. I stood some and sat in a rocking chair. Movement seemed to really help me. Contractions started coming faster. My parents went to the waiting room, after a quick prayer. I was 8cm. Contractions were intense, but I was able to get a break in between them. Bucky was right there by me, holding my hand and reassuring me. I asked to be checked again, but I was still 8cm. What? I told Bucky I was about to loose control. He talked me through it. Dr. A came in and broke my water. It seemed to take forever to get to 10cm. But, finally around 11:30 or 11:45am, I was ready to push. The weird thing is, I never got the urge to push. I just had to make myself do it. My back was killing me and the contractions seemed to have no break. For the 27 minutes I pushed, I don't think I ever opened my eyes. The nurses, Dr. A, and Bucky were great coaches and a great encouragement. When baby Street finally came out, I opened my eyes and saw her. It didn't register that I didn't know the sex until Bucky said, 'It's a Girl!'. He was very excited and I was relieved. Shelby Leigh was born at 12:16pm March 21, 2011. She had a lot of hair and was a healthy 7lb 3oz and 19.5 inches. Funny how I thought she was going to be a big baby! Bucky was very emotional. Dr. A joked that he didn't know who pushed harder, me or Bucky. I was still having contractions and pain, waiting on the placenta to come out. It took 26 minutes, but it finally came out. I felt like something wasn't right, but then again, I had never done it all natural. Dr. A talked about bleeding and told me to call him if it continued. I held sweet Shelby and was able to nurse her for a few minutes while Bucky told our families. He came in and I told him something didn't feel right. I was still in so much pain. I thought it was supposed to instantly go away. He called the nurse in. I was still bleeding heavily. Within 30 seconds, there were 10 people in the delivery room. Bucky was holding Shelby. The anesthesiologist came in. Dr. A talked about doing a DNC or possible hysterectomy. I was so out of it. I had one nurse starting a second IV while the other inserted a catheter. Meanwhile, I felt EVERYTHING. They took me back to the operating room and I remember saying a prayer as I went to sleep. I woke up and asked about Shelby and Bucky. They said they were both fine. Dr. A came in a few minutes later and said there was an extra 'finger' to my placenta that was stuck up in the top of my uterus. He just reached in and got it out. He said I lost a lot of blood and may have to have a transfusion. He also mentioned that if I had gotten the epidural, he could have removed it in the delivery room. Who would have thought? But, I recovered over the next few days, though I felt weak. By Wednesday morning, my red blood cell levels were still dropping. I was re-checked and Dr. Golden said I could go home without a blood transfusion. Thank the Lord! I am on high dose iron twice a day. All in all, the birth went how I wanted it too. Sweet Shelby was very cooperative during labor. She did exactly what she was supposed to do and I was able to deliver her the way I wanted. After that, everything else was in God's hands. I know He was with me and my family the whole time. Shelby has been a blessing and we are so thankful for her health. So, that is the story of Shelby's arrival!